Clean and natural

Clean and natural

The products of the Swiss Cosmetology Institute are obtained exclusively from raw materials from nature, without synthetic fragrances, artificial additives, emulsifiers, preservatives.

The obtained products are created with perfectly combined raw materials, extremely pleasant smell that originates exclusively from the plants, have an excellent aromatherapy effect on the body, using both the sense of smell and touch.

Aromatherapy is often misused, or misunderstood. It is mostly interpreted as inhaling some relaxing scents … However, it is something completely different and has a huge therapeutic potential, in all segments of preserving and improving health. Aromatherapy also includes treatment with essential oils. They have the strongest essence of plant strength (if all the conditions for proper processing are satisfied). After dermal application (cysts are never applied to the skin) in the correct relationship (this relationship is also extremely important, because the right combination can enhance the effect of each oil individually, and improperly neutralize all the healing properties), within 2-3 hours are found in every cell of the body. Therefore, aromatherapy is recognized as a special branch of modern medicine, and by many parameters the fastest growing method of integrative medicine. The reason is clear: a much larger amount of active ingredients of medicinal herbs can be taken through the skin than orally or intravenously. After all, aromatherapy can be considered the oldest branch of medicine, because it has been used for thousands of years, but in recent decades it has been somewhat in the dark due to the interest of drug manufacturers. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest obstacle to the much more expansive application of aromatherapy, because its interest is not healing, but the partial elimination of symptoms, but not the cause of the disorder. It is a recipe for fabulous earnings, because there are expensive drugs on offer, obtained mainly from cheap synthetic raw materials.

However, we do not recommend anyone to start treatment on their own initiative by applying aromatherapy in their own direction, but to be sure to consult with their doctor. We also advise caution when reading various texts on the Internet about aromatherapy and essential oils because there are many untruths, which can be confusing and misleading.

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